Statement from the Animal health Trust – AHT

On Sunday 22 March 2020, the Animal Health Trust (AHT) announced that following a period of dire financial constraints, and with the economic implications of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK the charity was facing imminent closure.

The Trustees and Executive Committee are continuing to seek out emergency funding and a final decision regarding the long-term future of the Trust will now be made towards the end of April 2020.

Following recent guidance from the UK Government on tackling the Covid-19 pandemic and in order to make use of the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the AHT has closed its offices until further notice.

No further comment will be made at this time.

Please do not send any further DNA samples to the Animal Health Trust until further notice. Sadly they are going into liquidation.

More information about the situation: click here.


Due to the global circumstances and current government advice, The Norwich Terrier Club Open Show which was due to take place on 11th April 2020 has been cancelled. The AGM which was due to be held on the same date at Roade Village Hall, Northants has been postponed until further notice. All members of the club will soon receive a letter from secretary Beverley Watkins.
We will update you in the future or when current advice changes. If you have already entered for the show your cheque will be destroyed.

Dates for your diary

Club Open Show and Annual General Meeting, Roade Village Hall, Saturday 11th of April. Judge is Mr. Matthew Oddie (Riowood/Ragus).
– Entries close 25.3.2020. Schedules available from Beverley Watkins.
AGM starts at 10 am and it is open to all fully paid up members as of 1st of March 2020.

  • Download the entry form here.
  • Download the schedule here.

Norwich And Norfolk Fun Day, Baginton Village Hall, Saturday 29th of August. Hosted by the Norfolk Terrier Club. CANCELLED

Club Championship Show, Roade Village Hall, Sunday 22nd of November. Judge is Mr. Roger Thomas (Squirreldene). CANCELLED

Crufts 2020

The Norwich are shown on Sunday 8th of March in ring 10 hall 2, second in the ring after the Norfolk which start at 9am. Check the official website for more information.

DISCOVER DOGS volunteers for CRUFTS 5th – 8th March are always welcome! You need 1 or 2 confident, typical looking Norwich (don’t need to be show dogs), clean, healthy & well brushed. Please contact me if they’d like to do a half day. There may or may not be spare slots but it’s good to have reserve helpers who could come & cover if someone is unable to attend.If I am able to allocate you a place on the rota you will receive free passes for you & the dogs, plus a car park ticket,  email [email protected]


Your help is needed now!!  DNA samples Needed from all Norwiches aged 6 years or over NOW!!

Please contact Ruth Corkhill for details: Phone 0121 474 4224  Text 07774 806847  or Email [email protected]

For a new study the Animal Health Trust (AHT) need samples from healthy Norwiches aged over 6 years.

Plus they need samples from All, Any Age, Norwiches unfortunate to be afflicted with Paroxysmal Dyskinesia (formerly known as Canine Epileptoid Cramping Syndrome)

If you have previously sent samples from any of your dogs to the AHT please contact them to send you a list to update on their health history.

Contact Chris Jenkins (canine genetics research assistant) for details: Phone 01638 751000 or Email [email protected]