Latest research – May 2019 – on Norwich Terrier Upper Airway Syndrome from a study undertaken at Edinburgh University Royal Dick Veterinary School by their team of Veterinary Surgeons and Geneticists under the name of PLoS who have released the following paper:
We’re grateful to Dr Jeffrey Schoenbeck who is part of the team & has informed us about this study.
Other studies have been ongoing at Cambridge University Veterinary School lead by Dr Jane Ladlow using ‘Whole Body Plethysmography’ details of which have previously been published in the Norwich Terrier Club newsletter. More information will be added here in due course.
Check out also the Norwich Terrier Club of America’s web page for more practical information on NTUAS.
The site contains resources to guide the diagnosis of Norwich Terrier Upper Airway Syndrome. These new tools are a result of the multi-site clinical study, Characterization of Upper Airway Syndrome in Norwich Terriers, conducted by a multi-disciplinary team led by Dr. Bryden Stanley and Dr. Grace Lai.