Paroxysmal dyskinesia (Canine Epileptoid Cramping Syndrome)

Animal Health Trust meeting was held 9th of November 2019. A report can be found here. Other material from the event can be found here and here.

Here you may find a short description over the condition, first published in 2015 before the following paper was published.

Please find the link to access the results of our clinical study on paroxysmal dyskinesia in the Norwich terrier which have been published in a prestigious scientific journal. The journal has the copy rights.

Luisa De Risio
DMV, MRCVS, PhD, DECVN, European and RCVS recognised veterinary specialist in neurology
(formerly based at the AHT)
Animal Health Trust, Lanwades Park, Kentford, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7UU 

If you require DNA sampling kits please contact the University of Cambridge ([email protected] , phone 01223 337621) or the KC Breed Health Coordinator, Ruth Corkhill (refer to section ‘About the Club’ – ‘Officers & Committee)