Thoroughly enjoyed judging this delightful breed. I would like to thank the Cruft’s Committee for inviting me and my stewards for their help.

Veteran dog 2/0 Both exhibits were in great fettle and obviously enjoying their time in the ring.
1st Barge & Hardwicke’s Baktwins Sunseekersmart 12 year old black and tan, good head proportions, cobby and low to ground, plenty of bone, harsh coat. Short straight tail, moved with purpose. Lovely example of the breed.
2nd Nutkin’s Tebrun Favour. Pleasing 8 year old. Not such good type as one being slightly higher on the leg. Harsh coat. Moved and showed well.
Puppy dog 2/0 – 1st Crawley’s Ragus Comedy King, mature young red just 9 months. Excellent breed type, balanced head and expression, a little short in neck, level top line. Good for bone and feet. Strode out well with good propulsion. Has a harsh coat in good order.
2nd Stevenson’s Brickin Super Charge, lighter type than one, having less bone and higher on the leg at the moment. Pleasing head and expression, good coat texture, showed and moved well.
Junior dog 2/0 – 1st Thompson-Morgan’s Belleville Total Eclipse, the best of heads and his adorable, cheeky expression stole my heart, He is so well made being short in the back, and correct angulation for and aft. Good amount of bone for his size, cat like feet. His movement is true, positive and full of joy. He clearly loved every minute he was in the ring. Superbly presented. Delighted to award him DCC & BOB
2nd Page’s ContillyAsk No Questions Between Winflash, smart typey youngster well put together, pleasing head, not the charm of one, however he moved and showed well.
Post graduate dog 2/1 – 1st Grave’s Pipsacre Morning Tide, in super harsh coat, good head proportions, neat ears. A little upright in shoulder and tail a little low set, at one with his handler and showed well
Limit dog 5/0 – 1st Ackling & Dingle’s Kreatin Extra Factor, cracking lad, ultra smart, excels in head and expression. Could have better lay of shoulder and length of upper arm, level top line, short back. Movement ok. Harsh coat, excellent presentation, Showed his socks of.
2nd Stenland’s Ragus Time of My Life, Similar type to one, short and cobby, good bone, pleasing head and expression, not in as good a coat as one.
3rdArmstrong & Lawrance’s Ragus Sweet Bay at Elantiz
Open dog 6/0 – 1st Lazenby’s Tinkave Im the Man, full of quality, handsome young man. Very much my type, masculine head and expression, neat ears, medium neck, level top line, short loin, good tail set, best mover in the class. RCC
2nd Crawley’s Ragus Beyond Question,another masculine young man, not as good in front as winner and slightly longer cast. Good harsh coat, showed well.
3rdSmith’s Javidel Walk in The Park
Good Citizen dog 4/0 – 1st Crozier’s Misma of Brook Hall, Good type and head proportions, neat ears. was very well handled and showed himself to advantage.
2nd Hayes’ Ragus Fabulous ClownSHCM SHCEX. Not as typical as one, a little higher on leg. Very good tail, he put in a good performance.
3rdNutkins’ Tebrun Favour
Veteran bitch 2/0 – Both of these ladies are super stars, both showed non stop and are cracking examples of the breed, They tore round the ring like a coupe of juniors! I had to choose one so gave it to Petal as she was in better coat today.
1st Armstrong & Lawrence’s Elantiz Primrose PetalSHCM;
2nd Armstrong & Lawrence’s Elantiz Rambling RoseSHCM VW
Puppy bitch 4/0 – 1st Crawley’s Ragus Cinnamon Twist, sweet head and expression, good front construction a little straight behind, short back, good bone and feet, could be a little awkward for her handler! Moved well when the mood took her. BP
2nd Stevenson’s Brickin Miss Understood, pleasing type not the bone of one, harsh coat. Moved ok but was not showing herself to advantage.
3rd Page’s Winflash to Russia with Love
Junior bitch 6/1 – Strong class; 1st Crawley’s Ragus True Love Ways, cracking young lady who oozes quality, on her toes the whole time. So well balanced, lovely head, small dark eyes giving her a wicked expression. Good length of neck, short back. Well angulated for and aft. She was one of the best movers of the day, delighted to award her BCC .
2nd Graves’ Ragus Love Letter to Pipsacre, litter sister to one and similar in so many ways. I am sure they will change places many times. Lovely outline, moved well with drive. Pushed one hard but one was on top form today and in better coat.
3rdPage’s Ragus Easter Bonnet
Post graduate bitch 6/1 – 1st Batey’s Contilly On Fire. Good type, pleasing head and expression, neat ears. medium length of neck, a little short in upper arm causing her to move a little wide in front. Good bone. Harsh coat, well turned out and showed well.
2nd Haynes’ Alantro Step Into My Shadow. Smaller than 1, a little foxy in head. Pleasing outline. Correct coat texture. Very showey.
3rdHardwicke’s Norowic Mistress of Magic
Limit bitch 4/0 – 1st Hitchen’sKreatin Added Extra. Super little bitch full of herself. Super outline, lovely feminine head and expression. Correct size. Super short tail. A little straight behind.
2nd Haynes’ Alantro First Steps. Larger sort than 1. Good outline, firm top line. Head ok, eye could be smaller. Showed well.
3rdHayes’ Ragus Seven Jumps
Open bitch 2/0 – 1st Crawley’s Ragus Loving Spoonful.Presented a lovely overall picture. Pleasing head and expression, well placed ears, eye could be a little darker. Good length of neck, firm level top line, preferred the movement of CC winner who I notice it the same way bred. RCC
2nd Batey’s Ragus Burning QuestionSHCM. Similar type to 1. Lacking some coat today. Good bone and feet. Head ok, could have smaller ears and more fill under the eye. Moved ok and showed well.
Good Citizens bitch 2/0 – Both these ladies put on a good show, not a lot to choose between them. Both were decent types. – 1st Hayes’ Ragus Seven JumpsJW. In lovely coat and condition. Showed well for her handler.
2nd Nutkins’ Norowic Lady of Lorien. Confident with lovely outline. Lost out to one on movement.Judge:- Miss Di Jenkins
Both exhibits were in great fettle and obviously enjoying their time in the ring.
1st Barge & Hardwicke’s Baktwins Sunseeker smart 12 year old black and tan, good head proportions, cobby and low to ground, plenty of bone, harsh coat. Short straight tail, moved with purpose. Lovely example of the breed.
2nd Nutkin’s Lebrun Favour. Pleasing 8 year old. Not such good type as one being slightly higher on the leg. Harsh coat. Moved and showed well.
Puppy dog 2/0
1st Crawley’s Ragus Comedy King, mature young red just 9 months. Excellent breed type, balanced head and expression, a little short in neck, level top line. Good for bone and feet. Strode out well with good propulsion. Has a harsh coat in good order.
2nd Stevenson’s Brickin Super Charge, lighter type than one, having less bone and higher on the leg at the moment. Pleasing head and expression, good coat texture, showed and moved well.
Junior dog 2/0
1st Thompson-Morgan’s Belleville Total Eclipse, the best of heads and his adorable, cheeky expression stole my heart, He is so well made being short in the back, and correct angulation for and aft. Good amount of bone for his size, cat like feet. His movement is true, positive and full of joy. He clearly loved every minute he was in the ring. Superbly presented. Delighted to award him DCC & BOB
2nd Page’s Contilly Ask No Questions Between Winflash, smart typey youngster well put together, pleasing head, not the charm of one, however he moved and showed well.
Post graduate dog 2/1
1st Grave’s Pipsacre Morning Tide, in super harsh coat, good head proportions, neat ears. A little upright in shoulder and tail a little low set, at one with his handler and showed well
Limit dog 5/0
1st Ackling & Dingle’s Kreatin Extra Factor, cracking lad, ultra smart, excels in head and expression. Could have better lay of shoulder and length of upper arm, level top line, short back. Movement ok. Harsh coat, excellent presentation, Showed his socks of.
2nd Stenland’s Ragus Time of My Life, Similar type to one, short and cobby, good bone, pleasing head and expression, not in as good a coat as one.
Open dog 6/0
1st Lazenby’s Tinkave Imthe Man, full of quality, handsome young man. Very much my type, masculine head and expression, neat ears, medium neck, level top line, short loin, good tail set, best mover in the class. RCC
2nd Crawley’s Ragus Beyond Question, another masculine young man, not as good in front as winner and slightly longer cast. Good harsh coat, showed well.
Good Citizen dog 4/0
1st Crozier’s Misma of Brook Hall, Good type and head proportions, neat ears. was very well handled and showed himself to advantage.
2nd Hayes Ragus Fabulous Clown SHCM SHCEX. Not as typical as one, a little higher on leg. Very good tail, he put in a good performance.
Veteran bitch 2/0
Both of these ladies are super stars, both showed non stop and are cracking examples of the breed, They tore round the ring like a coupe of juniors! I had to choose one so gave it to Petal as she was in better coat today.
1st Armstrong & Lawrence Elantiz Primrose Petal SHCM
2nd Armstrong & Lawrence Elantiz Rambling Rose SHCM VW
Puppy bitch 4/0
1st Crawley’s Ragus Cinnamon Twist, sweet head and expression, good front construction a little straight behind, short back, good bone and feet, could be a little awkward for her handler! Moved well when the mood took her. BP
2nd Stevenson’s Brickin Miss Understood, pleasing type not the bone of one, harsh coat. Moved ok but was not showing herself to advantage.
Junior bitch 6/1
Strong class
1st Crawley’s Ragus True Love Ways, cracking young lady who oozes quality, on her toes the whole time. So well balanced, lovely head, small dark eyes giving her a wicked expression. Good length of neck, short back. Well angulated for and aft. She was one of the best movers of the day, delighted to award her BCC .
2nd Graves Ragus Love Letter to Pipsacre, litter sister to one and similar in so many ways. I am sure they will change places many times. Lovely outline, moved well with drive. Pushed one hard but one was on top form today and in better coat.
Post graduate bitch 6/1
1st Batey’s Contilly On Fire. Good type, pleasing head and expression, neat ears. medium length of neck, a little short in upper arm causing her to move a little wide in front. Good bone. Harsh coat , well turned out and showed well.
2nd Haynes Alantro Step Into My Shadow. Smaller than 1, a little foxy in head. Pleasing outline. Correct coat texture. Very showey.
Limit bitch 4/0
1st Hitchen’s Kreatin Added Extra. Super little bitch full of herself. Super outline, lovely feminine head and expression. Correct size. Super short tail. A little straight behind.
2nd Haynes Alantro First Steps. Larger sort than 1. Good outline, firm top line. Head ok, eye could be smaller. Showed well.
Open bitch 2/0
1st Crawley’s Ragus Loving Spoonful. Presented a lovely overall picture. Pleasing head and expression, well placed ears, eye could be a little darker. Good length of neck, firm level top line, preferred the movement of CC winner who I notice it the same way bred. RCC
2nd Batey’s Ragus Burning Question SHCM. Similar type to 1. Lacking some coat today. Good bone and feet. Head ok, could have smaller ears and more fill under the eye. Moved ok and showed well.
Good Citizens bitch 2/0
Both these ladies put on a good show, not a lot to choose between them. Both were decent types.
1st Hayes Ragus Seven Jumps JW. In lovely coat and condition. Showed well for her handler.
2nd Nutkins Norowic Lady of Lorien. Confident with lovely outline. Lost out to one on movement.