The Norwich Terrier Club Open Show
Held at Roade Village Hall,
Bailey Brooks Lane, Roade, Northants. NN7 2LS
on Saturday, 14th. April 2018
Judge: Mr. Tim Ball (Kaitak)
My thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Norwich Terrier Club for the kind invitation to judge their Open Show. It is always a pleasure to spend time with one of my favourite breeds. For a numerically small breed, quality was high and bitches in particular were good in depth. There were just four puppies present, all bitches, and what a terrific group of youngsters they are, boding well for the future of the breed. I really was spoilt for choice and I shall watch their progress with interest.
Best In Show, Hitchen’s Ch Kreatin Extra Mile

Reserve Best In Show, Oddie, Nagrecha, Dyer & Crawley’s Ragus Scouts Honour

Best Opposite Sex & Best Puppy in Show, Hitchen & Lumpkin’s Kreatin Extra Treat

Reserve Best Bitch in Show, Crawley’s Ragus Feather in my Cap

Minor Puppy Dog (No Entries):
Puppy Dog (No Entries):
Junior Dog (1,1 ):
Special Beginners Dog (2,1 ):
1. Hayes’ Ragus Fabulous Clown ShCM, 26/05/14, Br: Mrs L Crawley, (Ch Ragus Talk Of The Devil – Hidden Smile), Just coming up to 4yrs, I have judged this red boy on a number of occasions and he has lots to like. Neck of good length, firm level topline, well ribbed back, nice short loin and good tail for both set and carriage. Head of correct proportions with good breadth between the ears, well defined stop, good eye for colour but a tad larger than the ideal, strong muzzle and excellent dentition. He stands nice and straight in front on good feet and is nice and firm behind with well turned stifles. Moving out so well on the go around with confident carriage, just a fraction wider coming towards than I would prefer. Good coat texture. Well handled.
Novice Dog (2,1 ):
1. Parker’s Brickin Quick Silver, 22/02/16, Br: J Stevenson, (Ragus Now And Forever – Brickin Glorious Morning),2 yr old who has the most delightful temperament but would benefit from a little more ringcraft. Neck of good length to balance, level topline, ribcage extends well back and tail set on high. Eye correct for colour but a little bolder than the ideal and although his ears are set well apart, they are a tad larger. When settled he moves out well enough in profile and when going away but I was unable to assess his front action given his exhuberance.
Post Graduate Dog (5,3 ):
1. Short’s Ragus This Way Up, 12/01/16, Br: L Crawley, (Belleville Just For Effe – Ragus Coming My Way), 2 yr old red who won this class with some room to spare. He pleased for overall type, is good for size, and has a quality head and expression with nice breadth to skull, medium-sized ears set on high and well apart, dark oval-shaped eyes, strong muzzle and correct scissor bite. Good length of neck, level topline, ribs extending well back, short loin and good tail for set but rather tightly curled. He stands well both front and rear, has nice compact feet, moves out well in profile and when going away but is a tad wider coming towards. He could be a fraction shorter in back but the overall picture pleased. Fair coat presentation.
2. Crozier’s Misma of Brook Hall, 20/02/15, Br: Exh, (Sativus Perpignan of Titanium – Jacquill Rock Chick),This 3 yr old red is a completely different type to the winner and the more compact of the two. Sufficient length of neck, firm topline, rib could extend further back and loin a tad longer than the ideal but tail set on well. Pleasing head proportions, nice dark eye, ears set on well although a fraction larger, strong muzzle and correct dentition. He stands on nice compact feet, moves out well in profile and coming towards but not the rear action of winner. Pleasing coat with better texture than that of 1.
Limit Dog (3,0 ):
1. M Oddie, T Nagrecha ,Miss S Dyer & Mrs L Crawley, Ragus Scouts Honour, 10/08/16, Br: Mrs L Crawley,
( Ch Ragus Jump The Gun – Hidden Promise for Ragus ), 20 mth red who I see from my records was my Best Puppy winner at WELKS last year; he certainly has fulfilled his early promise.A comfortable winner in this class, scoring for overall type and balance and presenting such a good outline with strong neck of good length, short back with level topline, good length to ribcage, nice short loin and tail set on high. Quality headpiece with good breadth to skull, correct skull to muzzle proportions, dark oval-shaped eyes, medium-sized ears set well apart, strong muzzle and correct scissor bite. Soundly made both front and rear, standing straight in front on excellent feet and muscular hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Moving freely on the down and back and quite impressive on the go round. In addition he has such attitude and made the most of himself at all times. Reserve Best Dog & Reserve Best in Show.
2. Crozier’s Sea Sky, 20/02/15, Br: Exh, (Sativus Perpignan of Titanium – Jacquill Rock Chick), 3 yr old black & tan who appealed for overall type, size and balance. Excellent neck, firm level topline and tail set on nice and high. Rib not that of winner and could be shorter in loin to advantage. Pleasing head and expression with correct proportions, well defined stop, very nice eye and ear and correct scissor bite. Straight forelegs, good feet and nice turn of stifle. Moving out well in profile but could not match the winner on the down and back. Good coat texture with dense undercoat. Super temperament.
3. Parker’s Brickin Man In The Moon, 22/02/16, Br: J Stevenson,( Ragus Now And Forever – Brickin Glorious Morning)
Open Dog (7,1 ):
1. Hitchen’s Ch Kreatin Extra Mile, 9/07/16, Br: Exh, (Ch Ragus Hand In Glove – Ch Kreatin Hidden Extra), 21 mth red who I thought was really something special and a sheer delight to go over. He excels for type and balance and is good for size. Super head with good breadth to skull, correct skull to muzzle proportions, dark oval-shaped eyes with desired keen expression, medium-sized ears set on top of the skull and well apart, strong muzzle and correct dentition with nice big teeth! Compact outline with strong neck of correct length to balance, short level back, excellent ribbing, short loin and tail set on nice and high. Faultless construction both fore and aft, standing straight in front, elbows close to the body, compact feet and muscular hindquarters with nice turn of stifle. Comes into his own on the move, using himself fully as he goes and certainly cannot be overlooked. Super jacket and presentation. A more than worthy Best Dog & Best in Show here today.
2. Lazenby’s Tinkave I’m The Man, 14/06/16, Br: Mrs J Lazenby, (Ch Ragus Hand I Glove – Tinkave Diamond Girl), 22mth old red and another who I see I have judged previously. Quality boy who pushed the winner hard and he also scored foroverall type, size and balance. Quality head with masculine expression, good skull to muzzle proportions, well defined stop, dark eye of correct size and shape, ears set on well, wedge-shaped muzzle and correct mouth. Nice compact outline with muscular neck of good length, level topline, well sprung ribswhich extend well back, short loin and tail set on high. Standing well naturally, eye catching profile action, nice and firm behind but just a tad wider coming towards. Good coat but not quite the texture of 1 on the day.
3. Ragus Fabulous Clown (Repeat)
Res. McLaughlan’s Barwest Blaze of Glory, 26/06/11, Br: Mrs P Barrel!, (Ch Brickin Top of The Morning – Barwest Barley Wine),
Veteran Dog (2,1 ):
1. Barge & Hardwicke’s Baktwins Sun Seeker, 11/05/08, Br: Mrs B Watkins, (Ch Titanium Columbus – Baktwins Morning Sun),Black & tan approaching 10 yrs and another with the most delightful temperament. This boy was good to go over and shown in excellent condition. He appealed for overall type and presented a nice compact outline with strong neck of good length, firm level topline, ribbed well back, nice short loin and tail set on high. Appealing head and expression with good proportions, well defined stop, nice eye and ear, strong muzzle and excellent dentition. Pleasing action on the go around; not perfect fore and aft but nothing untoward. Good coat texture. Best Veteran Dog.
Minor Puppy Bitch (2,0 ):
1. Hitchen & Lumpkin’s Kreatin Extra Treat, 13/08/17, Br: Exh, (Ch Ragus Mr 0 O’Seven – Ch Kreatin Hidden Extra) 8 mth wheaten right out of the top drawer. She excels for type, is beautifully balanced and a delight to go over. Feminine all through, she has the most exquisite head and expression; correct skull to muzzle proportions, broad skull with good width between her medium-sized ears, dark oval-shaped eyes, strong muzzle and perfect dentition. Neck of good length, firm topline, ribcage extends well back and rib developing well for age, nice short loin and tail set on high. Well made both front and rear, standing straight in front on super feet and nicely angulated hindquarters. Moving freely on the down and back and using herself as she goes. Quality coat and presentation. From a lovely line-up in the challenge, she came out on top and was my Best Bitch, Best Opposite Sex in Show and Best Puppy in Show.
2. Crawley;s Ragus Loving Spoonful, 3/10/17, Br: Exh,( Ragus Scouts Honour Ragus Loves The Glove), Red of just 6 mths and another quality pup who was unlucky to come up against the winner. Only a baby but she has all the breed requisites and I thought her an exciting prospect. She presented a compact outline with neck of good length, short level back, well ribbed up, short muscular loin and tail set on nice and high. Most attractive head with feminine expression; nicely proportioned, excellent eye and ear, super pigment, strong muzzle and correct scissor bite. Another so very well made, straight forelegs, elbows close to the body, the very best of feet and firm hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Moving soundly all through. Plenty of texture to coat. Super temperament.
Puppy Bitch (2,1 ):
1. Crawley’s Ragus Feather In My Cap, 7/07/17, Br: Exh, (Ch Ragus Mr 0 O’Seven Belleville My Word), Two more quality youngsters here and the most difficult class of the day as I liked them both, although they are quite different, and I was really splitting hairs when separating them. The winner was this 9 mth red who was a joy to go over given her super construction. Feminine girl with good skull to muzzle proportions, oval-shaped eyes of good colour, ears set on well apart, wedge-shaped muzzle and correct dentition. Super neck, level topline, good length to ribcage, short loin and tail set on high. Good angles front and rear, straight well-boned forelegs, standing on compact feet and muscular hindquarters with well turned stifle. Faultless on the move, moving freely and with purpose, and this gave her the edge here. Quality coat and presentation. Super, outgoing temperament. Reserve Best Bitch.
2. Stevenson’s Brickin Chase A Rainbow, 31,0517 Br. Exh. (Amicaro Whisky Chaser- Brickin Glorious Morning),10 mth red and another with the best of temperaments. She has the most beautiful head and expression with good breadth to skull, well defined stop, correct proportions, dark oval-shaped eyes, ears of moderate size and set well apart, strong wedge-shaped muzzle and correct scissor bite. Compact in outline with strong neck of nice length to balance, short back, firm topline, excellent ribbing, short muscular loin and tail set on well. Nice layback of shoulder, elbows close to the side, straight front and nice compact feet. Good quality jacket and shown in first class order. Moving well all through but just felt winner moved out better in front.
Junior Bitch (3,2 ):
1. Stevenson’s Brickin Wishfull Thinking, 16/02/17, Br: Exh, (Brickin Quick And Quirky – Brickin Miss Money Penny), Compact 14 mth red of pleasing overall type and carrying good bone. Nicely proportioned head with dark, expressive eyes of good size and shape, ears set on well apart, wedge-shaped muzzle and correct mouth. Good to go over with strong neck, short back, well sprung ribs, short muscular loin and high set tail. Soundly built with nice straight forelegs, firm pasterns and well turned stifles. Moving true on the down and back with good drive from the rear. Topline just needs to firm a tad but nothing untoward.
Special Beginners Bitch (2,1 ):
1. Haynes’ Alantro First Steps, 28/07/13, Br: Exh, (Ascot Sanspur at Yarrow (imp) – Baktwins Amber Diamond at Alantro), 4 yr old red, standing alone here but with lots to like and she appealed for overall type and size. Good breadth to skull, well defined stop, dark oval-shaped eyes, ears set on well apart, correct scissor bite but just a tad longer in muzzle than preferred. Strong neck of good length, ribbed well back, muscular loin but topline could be a little firmer to advantage. I thought her profile action quite impressive and she uses herself fully at all times. Could be cleaner in front coming towards. Good coat texture and well handled.
Novice Bitch (No Entries):
Post Graduate Bitch (4,2 ):
1. Graves’ Ragus Hope And Glory for Nicnips, 27/09/13, Br: Mrs L Crawley (Sw Ch Cobby’s Roaring Chase (imp Swe) – Ragus Come The Glory), 4 yr old red with the most amazing temperament and such was her exhuberance, at times it was hard for her handler to get her to stand still! Feminine headpiece with correct proportions, nice dark eye, ears of medium size which are set on well and good dentition. Strong neck of nice length, fair topline, a tad longer in back which throws her off balance somewhat, nice spring of rib, muscular loin and tail set on well, which doesn’t stop wagging!! Not in full coat but by far the better mover of the two in this class.
2. Hardwicke’s Norowic Lady Galadriel, 18/09/15, Br. Exh. (Ch Ragus The Devil Can Wait For Lastarean – Jaeva Dressed to Impress). 2 yr old red who was more compact in outline than the winner and presented in good coat. Nicely proportioned head with feminine expression; good breadth to skull, nice eye for colour but a little rounder than preferred, ears set on well apart and wedge-shaped muzzle. Good length of neck to balance, firm level topline, pleasing rib, short muscular loin and tail set on well. Moving well enough in profile, straight coming at you but a fraction wider and losing out to winner on rear. Fair feet. Another with such a good temperament.
Limit Bitch (4,2 ):
1. Batey’s Ragus Burning Question, 19/07/16, Br: L Crawley, (High Hopes with Ragus – Ch Ragus Look Who’s Talkin’), 21mth red who I have done well for previously. Super feminine girl, of nice size, who appeals foroverall type and balance. She has such a good headwith the most delightful expression; good skull to muzzle proportions, good breadth of skull, ears of medium size which are set on well apart, dark keen eyes, wedge-shaped muzzle and correct scissor bite. Strong neck, short back, level topline, ribcage extending well back, short loin and tail set on nice and high. She is so good to go over, standing nice and straight in front and muscular hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Moving freely, just a fraction wider coming at you, and using herself as she goes. Jacket of good texture and very well presented.
2. Martin’s Tinkave Brown Eyed Girl at Kirmir, 14/09/14, Br: J Lazenby, (Ch/Am Ch Ascot Sanspur at Yarrow – Tinkave Diamond Girl), 3 yr old red. Nice bitch to go over with neck of good length to balance, firm level topline with nice length to ribcage, short loin and tail set on high. Attractive head but winner had the edge in expression; good skull to muzzle proportions, well defined stop, excellent eye and ear, strong muzzle and correct scissor bite. Nice angles both front and rear and moving out well in profile. Nicely presented but preferred coat texture of 1.
Open Bitch (2,0 ):
1. Hitchen’s Ch Kreatin Extra Sweet, 9/07/16, Br: Exh,( Ch Ragus Hand In Glove Ch Kreatin Hidden Extra), 21 mth red wheaten who wasn’t entirely settled which was a great shame as she certainly is quality through and through. She presented a super balanced outline with neck of good length, short back with firm level topline, excellent ribbing, muscular loin and tail set on nice and high. Most appealing head and expression with nice breadth to skull, correct proportions, good stop, oval-shaped eyes which are good for size and colour, ears set on well apart, strong wedge-shaped muzzle and correct dentition. Sound construction fore and aft, straight well-boned forelegs, excellent feet, well developed thighs and good turn of stifle. Moving freely with good drive from behind. Best of coats.
2. Haynes Alantro First Steps, (Repeat)
Veteran Bitch (2,1 ):
1. Martin’s Kirmir Little Mischief, 8/01/10, Br: Exh, (Ch Titanium Columbus ShCM – Baktwins Follow That Dream ), 8 yr old red who was full of herself and thoroughly enjoying her day out! Feminine girl of pleasing type, nice and compact and when using herself she really does present a super balanced outline. Quality headpiece with good skull to muzzle proportions, super dark eye giving keen expression, ears set on well apart and strong, wedge-shaped muzzle. Jacket of excellent texture and presented in good order. Moving well in profile and with good drive from the rear but a tad wider in front than I would prefer. Best Veteran Bitch & Best Veteran in Show.
Brace (1,0 ): Mr.& Mrs. Parker’s Brace .These two boys were a fairly well matched brace, similar in many respects and what wonderful temperaments they have!
Tim Ball (Judge)